
Sorry I have been so absent. I had every intention of getting right back to blogging, but alas moving and my job have taken over my life this past couple weeks. My room also currently looks like this, see the beautiful image above.

I'm slowly but surely working my way through everything and getting rid of things I no longer need. So far the purging process has been nice, I only screamed once when I had to get rid of a dress that I haven't worn in over a year but wasn't ready to part with. And yes, that is a bunny with a mustache and some ugly dolls. No I'm not six, and yes a boy also lives in this room...


  1. Hahha! I've been waiting for a new post! I feel the same way, but in reverse: last days at my job and packing up my room. Ugg muffins. Can't wait to see the new place!

    1. I've been waiting for a post from you as well. I totally understand. Last week I was busy packing and this week unpacking. It never ends...

      I'm so excited for when you finally move out here, but I'm sure it is slightly bittersweet living Philly and all of your friends. Have a lovely 4th and let me know when you need help moving!


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