Makeshift Society

Image from the Makeshift Society Website

I originally heard about this collaborative design workspace through sfgirlbybay who was/is the interior designer for the collective. The idea behind Makeshift Society is that, for a fee which varies depending on your needs, you can work and take classes in a collaborative design environment. There is a lending library of creative books, two bikes that can be borrowed if you need to take a quick trip through the neighborhood, an area that encourages napping, as well as both quiet and collaborative work spaces. 

All I can say is that I am now looking for a reason to become a member of this clubhouse. Too bad I have a full time job. I know I'll come up with some reason, I already want to take all of the classes offered, and you don't even have to be a member to attend most of those!


  1. Oh my gosh, this looks amazing! You should go to the thing iPhone tour on August 1st! Also, I will go to any and all free events there with you!

    1. That event does sound like fun. Will you be in town yet?


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