Raging at the Bull: Occupy Wall Street Posters From Occuprint

The first poster in this series that I saw was the above image featuring the bull. I was really drawn to the  texture in the poster, I love when posters look like they were made with a traditional medium, like ink. The colors, drawing, and composition of the poster are also working really well. Basically, I was really drawn to the poster. So drawn in fact that I clicked the link to the original article and found many more awesome posters. Above are some of my favorites - more texture and typography - but if you are interested in the artwork and want to read about Occuprint I highly suggest jumping to over to the original article on wired.

p.s. Happy almost Friday!


  1. LOVE IT! I was thinking about posting some of these too. They're creative and political...two of my favorite things to be! Love the new site layout btdubs. You are one cool chick.

    1. Thanks! I'm still working on the site. It is so much fun being creative outside of work :)


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